Minimize Costly Employee Turnover

One of the biggest concerns I hear about in the unmanned robotics industry is high turnover. The costs involved with hiring and training new employees for the same positions over and over again can become astronomical, cutting into profits and often disrupting operations.
Unfortunately, raises and even bonuses aren’t always possible incentives, as contracts are getting squeezed tighter and corporations are being forced to adhere to strict budgets that leave little wiggle room for such luxuries. That means that fostering long-term employee relationships often requires creativity. Employee loyalty can be earned rather than bought, but you have to be willing to work to show your staff how much you value their daily contributions. 
·         Solicit Suggestions: The first step in creating a quality employee recognition program is to give your employees an opportunity to share their own opinions about what recognition means to them. Create a company-wide survey asking questions about how valued employees currently feel and how the corporation could work to improve that. Ask what kind of incentives would motivate your employees to stay within the organization and find out what kind of accomplishments they would most like to be recognized for.
·         Recognize Accomplishments Both Big and Small: Employee recognition doesn’t have to be about awards ceremonies and cash prizes to make a difference. Yes, there is something to be said for going all out when it comes to recognizing employees for those major contributions. But most employees would also be happy with a pat on the back from their superiors when they make small strides as well. Train your management team to seek out and congratulate employees on even the smallest of accomplishments, showing them their hard work has been recognized and their contributions are appreciated.
·         Allow Employees to Recognize Each Other: Recognition doesn’t always have to come from higher-ups. In fact, giving employees the opportunity to recognize each other can foster a sense of camaraderie within your workforce that may otherwise be difficult to match. Create a system that allows employees to nominate each other for recognition and make those nominations available for all members of the organization to read in a company newsletter or website when they do come through. 

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