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Prioritizing 2017

I spend a lot of time getting to know all of you, learning about your businesses, your goals, and your plans for the future. I advise you on hiring decisions and job openings, and you click on these e-mails of mine, I hope, because you also find me to be extremely intelligent and entertaining.


But the truth is, for all I know about each of you… you probably don’t know as much about me. And that’s okay. It’s the nature of business. This is how these things go.

Around this time of year, though, I like to give you all a bit of insight into who I am. Because I’ve come to think of many of you as friends, and I hope you feel the same way about me.

Last year, I shared with you a long list of all the things I was grateful for. That list hasn’t changed much this year, so I decided instead that it might be fun to share with you some of my priorities for the year to come.

I’m not a big resolution girl, but I am a big fan of mapping out your goals… and that starts by prioritizing what those goals are. For me, my priorities include:

  • Continuing to serve my customers and being more intentional in everything I do.
  • Training myself to turn off the electronics and really be invested in the moment when I’m enjoying family time with my son and husband. This is such a hard thing to do when you run a business (as many of you know all too well). And we are all so addicted to our devices. But being a mom is serious business for me, too. So in 2017, I’m going to prioritize unplugging every once in a while in order to make family time a priority that is not to be interrupted.
  • I’d like to grow my business in a smart way, providing more useful, targeted resources to my clients and to job seekers. Part of this effort has been the launch of a new website designed to put hiring/job search resources into a single place for unmanned professionals. I’m looking very forward to sharing what’s next with you all soon!
  • As a business owner, and a mom who often finds herself parenting solo while my husband travels for work, I can sometimes go days and weeks without talking to another adult. You know, besides those who are either caring for my child or seeking out my services. This causes me to sometimes be very singularly focused, forgetting the world outside our bubble. But as a woman of faith, that’s not how I want to live my life. In 2017, I’d like to become better about intentionally helping others. I want to volunteer more, engage my son in our community, and seek out opportunities to help that I might have otherwise missed while caught up in the business of life.

So those are my priorities for the year to come. And as we close the chapter on 2016, I hope you have a solid idea of what yours may be as well! Because you can’t go after what you want until you first truly know what that is.


Are we connected? 
